
The Important Things / 大事なこと

Caption: The Important Things / 大事なこと


そう テレビの中の誰かが言った

そんな 使い古された言葉は 何も 心に響かなかったけれど

「じゃあ わたしの だいじなことは
みんなで いっしょに いられることだね」

そんな 傍らの幼き少女の言葉は

りんと 強く 僕の心に 響いた

"The important things can not be seen"

Someone in TV said.

Although my heart wasn't moved by such corny words,

"Then, my important thing can be that we are together"

Such words from young girl beside me,
Deeply moved my heart.

Aperture: ƒ/5
Shutter Speed: 1/640
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 18mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/25/09 12:09:22 PM CDT
Image City: Chicago
State/Province: Ilinois
Image Country: United States

Caption: Running Like a Time / 時のように走り抜けて
Aperture: ƒ/14
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 24mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/25/09 11:59:52 AM CDT


Blessing of the Blue and the Green / 青と緑の祝福

Blessing of the Blue and the Green / 青と緑の祝福

厳かに始まる 森の朝にも似て


真直ぐに空を目指す 緑と
澄んだ朝陽を宿す  青の

祝福 あれ

The time for departure is,
Similar to the morning in the forest that begins solemnly.

May your future be,
Blessed by the green reaching straight for the sky,
Blessed by the blue harboring the pure morning sun light.

Aperture: ƒ/11
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 200
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 55mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/3/09 10:07:42 AM CDT
Image Location: Grand Teton National Park
State/Province: Wyoming
Image Country: United States

Caption: Blue Water / 青き水
Aperture: ƒ/8
Shutter Speed: 1/180
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 18mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/3/09 12:22:40 PM CDT
Image Location: Grand Teton National Park
State/Province: Wyoming
Image Country: United States


Homeostasis of the Heart / 心の恒常性

Caption: Homeostasis of the Heart / 心の恒常性

何かが生まれ 何かが流れ去っていく

生きているということは 何かを失い続けるということ
失ったもののかわりに 何かを生み出し続けるということ

身体の傷を 新しい皮膚で埋めていくように
心の隙間を 新しい気持ちで埋めていくということ


ただ少しずつ 新しい自分を生み出すことができるだけ

Whenever, somewhere,
Something is born and something is gone away.

Being alive is to keep losing something;
To keep producing something in compensation of losing;

To fill one's spiritual void by fresh mind,
Like covering a wound by new skin.

One can't change oneself.
Only thing waht one can do is to produce new oneself little by little.

Aperture: ƒ/20
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 55mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/2/09 4:54:34 PM CDT
Image Location: Yellowstone National Park
State/Province: Wyoming
Image Country: United States

Caption: The rainbow creek / 虹の河
Aperture: ƒ/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 18mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 10/2/09 5:06:18 PM CDT
Image Location: Yellowstone National Park
State/Province: Wyoming
Image Country: United States


Waxing and Waning / 満ち欠け

Waxing and Waning / 満ち欠け

月の満ち欠けも 心の満ち欠けも 自然のこと

The waxing and waning of the moon,
The waxing and waning of the heart,
All is nature.

Date: 4/15/95 9:18:30 PM GMT+09:00
Image City: Matsumoto
State/Province: Nagano
Image Country: Japan


How to Love Your Anxiety / 不安の愛し方

How to Love Your Anxiety / 不安の愛し方

君の心を苦しめる 目の前の漠然とした不安

君はもう その滑らかな肌に触れてみたのだろうか

そいつに纏わせた 幾重もの装束を脱がせ

裸にした不安を その胸に抱いてしまえば それが現実になる


一人では 愛しあえない

The anxiety for the future that hurts your heart.

Have you already touched its silky skin?

Taking off its dresses that you had put on over and over,
see its true figure.

It becomes a real thing, if you embrace the naked anxiety.

You can't hold what is not real.
You can make love with what is real.

You can't make love by yourself.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/1250
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Exposure Bias: -0.33 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 51mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 6/14/06 11:13:30 PM GMT+09:00
Image Location: Bryce Canyon National Park
State/Province: Utah
Image Country: United States


Seeds and Rain / 種と雨

Caption: Seeds and Rain / 種と雨

人は幾千幾万の可能性という種を蒔き やがて忘れてしまう

あなたは私の乾いた心に 雨を降らせてくれた人
埋もれていた夢と憧れに 気づかせてくれた人

そこから生まれた命を 私は大切に育てていこうと思う

Millions of seeds named possibilities are sowed and forgotten by ourselves.

You are a woman who rained on my thirsty heart,
a woman who made me realize my hidden dreams.

I will grow the life born from there, preciously.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 200
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 55.0-200.0 mm
Focal Length: 200mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 11/3/07 11:40:14 AM GMT+09:00
Image City: Yamagata
State/Province: Nagano
Image Country: Japan


Frozen wave / 氷の波

Caption: Frozen wave / 氷の波

誰もいない私の湖に 最も美しい夕日が沈む

After piling numerous frozen pieces of my heart,
The most beautiful sunset can be seen on my lonely lake.

Aperture: ƒ/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/13
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO: ISO 400
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 18mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/13/11 5:16:54 PM GMT+09:00
Image Location: Lake Suwa
State/Province: Nagano
Image Country: Japan

Caption: A distorted mirror / 歪な鏡
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/6
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO: ISO 400
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 55mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/13/11 5:15:42 PM GMT+09:00
Image Location: Lake Suwa
State/Province: Nagano
Image Country: Japan

Caption: Unremovable stake / 抜けない杭
Aperture: ƒ/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/13
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO: ISO 400
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 18mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/13/11 5:16:34 PM GMT+09:00
Image Location: Lake Suwa
State/Province: Nagano
Image Country: Japan


The Island of Night Light / 夜の光の島

The Island of Night Light / 夜の光の島

雪明かりにうかぶ島は なぜかここよりもあたたい
きっとあなたも見たら 美しいと思うだろうから

ここは寒い あなたがいない

For some reason, the island on a snowy light seems to be warmer than here.
Because you would also feel the beauty if you saw.

It is cold here. You are not here.

Exposure Program: Manual
ISO: ISO 1600
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 0.5s
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 55.0-200.0 mm
Focal Length: 88mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/13/11 3:00:10 AM GMT+09:00



Caption: 「見えない壁」





Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 1600
Aperture: ƒ/5
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 55.0-200.0 mm
Focal Length: 75mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 5/20/09 7:08:10 AM CDT



Caption: 「天気予報とシンパシィ」


空の色や風のざわめきから 明日の天気を知ることと
瞳の光や言の葉の波間から 人の気持ちを感じること

これらはどこか 似ているように 僕は思うのです

Exposure Program:
Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 1600
Aperture: ƒ/6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/200
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 28mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 11/27/10 5:29:44 PM CST



Caption: 「青い冬の影の謎」

表面的な反射と 思慮深い屈折
影は 時に光よりも美しい

雪に映る君の影は空よりも深く 青い

雪影が青いのは 青空の写像ではない

その複雑に屈折した心の奥底から生まれる 君の言葉を


Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/3200
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 49mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/10/11 10:13:36 AM GMT+09:00



Caption: 「雪の中の銀河」

光を失った暗い夜と心ほど 星と夢は遠くにあって輝きをます

今朝は 一面の銀世界
光り輝く雪の結晶に 思わず目を細める

宇宙は 私たちの内と外に存在し
私たちは 思い思いの尺度で 目の前の宇宙を見ているに過ぎぬ

ならば この冷たい現実さへも 夜空を眺むるように望まば
熱く燃ゆる 空の光を

Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 55mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 1/10/11 10:09:34 AM GMT+09:00




いつか 一人で歩き始める 君たちへ伝えたい
世の中には 二つとして同じ色は 無いということ





君たちはどんな光を吸収し どんな色をつけていくのだろう
僕は君達の未来に 明るくやさしい光を照らすことができるだろうか

暗闇の中にあって その色を失わない

Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 400
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 55.0-200.0 mm
Focal Length: 135mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 12/19/10 4:56:32 PM GMT+09:00




人がみな探し続けている たったひとつのサイン

もう サインの意味に悩まなくてもいいという 確証


生命は 誰に命ぜられるわけでもなく 誰かにサインを送り続けている

僕が診るのは そんな生命の発するサイン

僕は あなたのみせる些細な変化から
あなたのより良い未来のためのサインを 見つけ出せるかもしれない


本当にみたいのは サインではなく あなたそのものなんだ

Exposure Program: Aperture Priority
ISO: ISO 100
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Exposure Bias: 0 ev
Camera Model: Canon EOS Kiss Digital
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm
Focal Length: 55mm
Focus Mode: Auto Focus
White Balance: Auto White Balance
Flash: Flash did not fire
Date: 11/6/10 11:42:18 PM GMT+09:00



紙は石に勝り 石は刃に勝るのに 紙は刃に破れる



これは 今から20年前 遠い異国で

僕が初めて 世界の姿をカタチに焼きつけた はじまりの写真

すべてのことには はじまりがある

今日という日が 何の はじまりなのか

何処へ 続いているのか

あの写真を撮った僕にも いまの自分にも


わからない けれど




あなたに であえたのなら


